Investigative Report on Campus Sexual Assault at UW-Madison

Madison Magazine, in collaboration with the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, recently published an article titled Facing the truth behind the statistics of sexual assault: What’s changing as a result of increased reporting. Authored by writer Maggie Ginsberg, this article sheds light on the issue of campus sexual assault at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and how reporting has changed in recent years. Ginsberg explores why so few complaints are investigated; questions what role campus culture plays; and discusses how the University, student-led efforts, support services, authorities, and bystanders can and do prevent campus sexual assault and support survivors.

Despite these efforts, sexual assault remains a problem on UW’s campus with “one in four women and one in 18 men say[ing] they were sexually assaulted during their time as undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison” (AAU, 2015). A worthwhile read, Ginsberg’s article takes a closer looks at what is happening on our campus and offers a thorough reporting that can contribute to ongoing campus discussions.

Read the full article at

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